Wednesday, January 14, 2009

On walking

"Then the walks for miles around us were excellent, and we all became great walkers, for walking we found to be good.  Not merely stepping from shop to shop, or from neighbor to neighbor, but stretching away out into the country, to the freshest fields, the shadiest woods, the highest ridges, and the greenest lawns.  We found that however sullen the imagination may have been among its griefs at home, here it cheered up and smiled.  However listless the limbs may have been by steady toil, here they were braced up, and the lagging gait became buoyant again.  However stubborn the memory may be in presenting that only which was agonizing, and insisting on that which cannot be retrieved, on walking among the glowing fields it ceases to regard the former, and forgets the latter.  Indeed, we all came to esteem the mere breathing of the fresh wind upon the commonest highway to be rest and comfort, which must be felt to be believed."
- Edmund Morris, Ten Acres Enough (1864)

1 comment:

Sarah Providence said...

I read a letter to Dear Abby written by a 75 year old woman who had mothered 4 boys, born very close together. She said to tackle boredom she would take them on long nature walks every single day--even if it was raining--and those are some of the happiest memories they all share.

It just made me realize I make waaay to many excuses to stay indoors.
And now this. Hm.